Tea Rat:
Goody, goody, goody. Penny's birthday's almost here.
Cakes and pies and puddings to celebrate good cheer.
You know I'm on a diet, and that I'm most sincere,
to drop an inch or two or three, here and here and here.
Tea Rat:
Oh don't be such a party poop. Don't give me that sneer.
Eat to your heart's content. This comes but once a year.
You cruel tempting rat. Have you no feeling dear?
To eat my heart's content is precisely what I fear.
Tea Rat:
Oh Ye of Little Faith! Oh faithless without peer.
I said I have a secret. Have you no ears to hear?
You'll never understand, you'll never shed a tear.
Just standing near such calories will go straight to my rear.
Tea Rat:
Stand back thou faithless wretch, for soon it shall be clear.
I say thee calories out. Go on away from here!
Happy Birthday, Penny!
Drawings by Anita Rivera© 2011.
Text by Ruben Rivera© 2011.