Writing is an Itch. This is a place to scratch.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Oy, 'da pain.

Tea Rat: Hey Rattus, I just picked up a couple of books on Jewish jokes. Want to hear one.

Rattus: A book?

Tea Rat: Har, har, har. No, a joke.

Rattus: Sure.

Tea Rat: A man goes to his rabbi.
Very distraught he says, "Rabbi, my wife is trying to poison me."
The rabbi says, "I know your wife."
"And?" asks the man.
"Take the poison."


Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Morning Ruben My Friend...
I am so laughing out loud. How cute and what a way to start the day. Loved the joke. I must remember that to share with DH this evening. He will love it.

Now that shirt is so stinkin cute. Love it. I have a friend who says "Oy" all the time. So cute.

Give Anita a BIG hug for me. Remind her that she is SO loved. Hope you two have a beautiful day.

Country hugs from Phoenix, Sherry

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

TEA RAT: Did ya hear the one about the SCHMALTZ?

Jg. for FatScribe said...

love it ... deadpan is goodpan, sir!


The Dutchess said...


Angelsdoor * Penny said...

OH Ruben, you just CRACK ME UP!!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Dear Ruben
Thank you so much for visiting and leaving such kind words.. I am happy you enjoyed viewing my bird.
I would also like to thank you for your friendship and kindness.. OH! and must not forget the laughter..
With great admiration.
Your friend,
p.s. My love to Anita..

Anonymous said...

Hahaha!! Very funny! :-)

George The Lad said...

Round of a paws Ruben you got them all right, way to go my friend.
Oh every ones a winner in those games its just there for some fun ;) but if you would realy realy like a signed photo of me, then I only to pleased to oblige, I won't email it I will have one done proper and post it, I'll also put one of my limited edition stamps in ;) you gotta let me know, just put "OK" on my bloggie and I'll get it done.

I'm not very good with jokes, was there some hanky panky going on, don't take it the wrong way I'm just asking.
Have a good week
See Yea,
Tea Rat, Rattus and Ruben xxxx