Writing is an Itch. This is a place to scratch.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

True Riches.

Rattus & Tea Rat's Witsend Cottage
by Anita Rivera©

Rattus: What did you do this week?

Tea Rat: Well after I worked selling some of my tea to make a living, I read, wrote poetry, did some gardening, did volunteer work, got together with friends, and went on walks.

Rattus: Sounds nice.

Tea Rat: I also met this rich person. He told me that I was wasting my time and that I should take my little tea business and turn it into a global enterprise.

Rattus: Why?

Tea Rat: Because then I could expand and open up tea shops everywhere.

Rattus: Why?

Tea Rat: Then I could beat my competitors by cutting out the tea growers and have my own tea farms, and manufacturing plants, and distribution centers, and franchise stores and go straight to tea consumers myself.

Rattus: Why?

Tea Rat: Because then I could offer an IPO and the stock proceeds will make me rich beyond my wildest dreams.

Ratttus: Why?

Tea Rat: Because then I can retire.

Rattus: Why?

Tea Rat: Because then I can read, write poetry, do some gardening, do volunteer work, get together with friends, and go on walks.



Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

TEEEEHEEEEEEE... These two RRRRRRATS will forever be our guys for they know how to have a good time. They always go around in a circle only to end up where they started. Tea Rat is successful enough at his little tea business and that is just enough for the two of them, with the help of Rattus's lectures and writings, to live comfortably at Wits End and carry on.

Such sweetness, sass and FUN HERE AT RATTUS SCRIBUS!

Jg. for FatScribe said...

i absolutely love it. wonderful. reminds me of that great story about the young man in the middle east who travels to Giza and the pyramids to learn the secret location of a treasure only to discover it was all the way back home in the village he had been at years earlier -- where he was truly happy tending his sheep, in love with a beautiful young woman.


ruben, thanks also for your nice comment about my little blog (and writing). yes, been bus with work (like 60 hours a week busy). i enjoy both of your blogs and your obvious talent for the written word as well.

Martina said...

Awwww, i LOVE this little story, along with Anitas drawing - so perfectly sweet! I want to come for tea - i'll bring apple-pie too - and help with the gardening!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

TEEEEEEEHE.... YOU TWO just crack me up...
If success is measured by our hearts, you two are wealthy beyond words...
Love to you both!
Bebe and mum

Palomasea said...


You, my friends, are the truly wise, and the truly rich. Thank you for blessing us with your minds, your hearts, and your talents.

- Irina

Fete et Fleur said...

A wise little story we enjoyed very much! Miss you both!! I hope your enjoying your sabbatical.


Victoria Sayer said...

Well Ruben...you have got that right!
Enjoy each and every day.
Anita's artwork is so wonderful.
You two go together like peas and carrots.